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A Nation Betrayed

Damaged American Flag

The U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan was a complete disaster. Thousands of U.S. allies were left behind to fend for themselves under the terrorist regime of the Taliban. The proxy war in Ukraine is another disaster. There is no clear-cut U.S. diplomatic strategy, and billions of U.S. taxpayers’ dollars are sent to a regime with no accountability to American citizens. Time and time again, the Biden Administration has betrayed American citizens and our allies. And it’s happening again.

This week, President Donald Trump called it like it is concerning the Biden administration’s response to America’s ally, Israel, and its fight to protect its homeland and citizens. “Biden has totally lost control of the Israel situation. He’s totally abandoned Israel.”

Biden’s predecessor is referring to the fact that the current commander-in-chief has urged the Jerusalem government to implement a unilateral ceasefire in its war against Hamas. In other words, Israel should stop its war without getting back any of the hundreds of hostages the Palestinian terror group is still holding in Gaza after its massacre of 1200 people more than six months ago. Since Hamas is also holding Americans hostage, that means the White House is betraying not only a crucial ally but also his oath to protect and defend U.S. citizens.

The press has all but buried the fact that Hamas targeted Americans, too, when it overran the Israeli border on October 7. The terrorist group slaughtered dozens of U.S. citizens among the thousands of others it tortured, murdered, and mutilated. Since then, there have been few signs that the White House has exerted any efforts to free those that Hamas still holds.

For starters, the administration could pressure Hamas’ diplomatic intermediary, Qatar. If the tiny Gulf emirate won’t compel Hamas to release its captives, the White House might choose to move the largest U.S. airfield in the Middle East out of Qatar and leave the royal family exposed to its own adversaries. The Biden team could also come down hard on Hamas’ sponsor, Iran. Instead, the White House continues to coddle Tehran even as the terror masters target U.S. troops across the region and their proxies in Yemen fire missiles at Red Sea shipping. Rather than weaken U.S. enemies, Biden and his aides have spent U.S. power and prestige in their tireless efforts to topple Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at wartime.

Biden officials have let on that they intend to make the “temporary” ceasefire they’re demanding permanent. That would hand Israel a consequential loss and empower the same terrorist organizations that threaten U.S. peace and prosperity in the Middle East and even here at home.

In Dearborn, Michigan last week, a large pro-Hamas, pro-Hezbollah, and pro-Iran crowd gathered to celebrate their terrorist heroes and chant “Death to America.” That’s the voting block Biden seeks to placate by bringing Israel to its knees — an anti-American cohort that U.S. administrations dating back decades welcomed into the country. So, while this White House has opened its borders to all comers no matter the dangers they bring, the fact is that there is already a terror threat in place here at home that holds a dagger to our backs.

The current U.S. government wants to rescue Hamas, but Americans have a stake in the total defeat of a terror group that means our country, as well as our allies, harm. In abandoning Israel in its war on terror, Biden has abandoned reason and made America vulnerable to the same furies that drove the October 7 massacre. Time to stand up and make our voices heard — our security at home depends on standing up for an ally abroad.

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