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America’s Future Files SCOTUS Brief Supporting First Amendment Rights

Florida – January 19, 2024 – America’s Future, Inc., a national leader in the fight to preserve individual rights, promote American values and traditions, and protect the nation’s Constitutional Republic, announced that it filed an Amicus brief in the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in National Rifle Association of America v Maria T. Vullo, SCOTUS Dkt. No. 22-842.

The brief was filed in support of the National Rifle Association (NRA), the petitioner in this case, and its position that its First Amendment rights were violated when former New York state government officials of Andrew Cuomo’s administration threatened banks, insurance companies, and other entities, with adverse regulatory action if they conducted business with the NRA. This is the second Amicus brief filed by America’s Future in this case. On May 24, 2023, America’s Future filed an initial Amicus brief, urging the SCOTUS to grant NRA’s petition for certiorari and resolve the case on its merits.

“Americans are keenly aware of the pervasive nature of executive branch officials deploying methods of coercion such as intimidation and threats against private entities in what is a proxy effort to censor the constitutionally protected speech of their political opponents,” said Mary O’Neill, Executive Director of America’s Future. “This cannot stand. SCOTUS needs to do the right thing and rule in favor of the NRA and uphold our constitutional right of free speech.”

The brief provides the SCOTUS with ample insight and information illustrating the irreparable public harms at stake if Article III courts, including the SCOTUS, allow abuses of power and tyrannical conduct by an executive branch at the state or national level to go unchecked. As stated in our brief: “It is one thing for opposing political parties and candidates to square off in the political arena to persuade voters to vote them into office. It is quite another to allow incumbents to abuse government powers to censor or attack political opponents. The heavy hand of government must be removed from the political scale, or the will of the people will never be truly known.”

To read more details about this filing, along with other briefs filed by America’s Future, please visit our Law & Policy page.