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The Self-Destruction Of The FBI

Unequal Justice Under Law

Over the entrance of the Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C. are inscribed the words, “Equal Justice Under Law.” Those words reflect a promise by our federal government that “We the People” will be treated equally by those entrusted with law enforcement, prosecutorial and judicial powers. It is our shared belief that there is one standard of justice that applies to us all, which has provided the glue that has held our nation together for over two centuries. Today that glue is dissolving before our eyes.

Consider, two dozen FBI agents had no qualms about conducting an armed raid on President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago even though no former President had ever been treated in such a fashion. FBI agents have arrested Trump campaign officials in early morning raids on their own homes, placed them in handcuffs and leg irons, and seized their phones. At least thus far, it even appears that the role of the FBI has been more to protect the son of the current President of the United States than to investigate him.

Leftists Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) rioters were allowed to storm the federal courthouse in Portland, burn down stores, and kill without consequence, but election protesters welcomed into the Capitol by police on January 6, egged on by informants who have never been arrested, are treated as terrorists, hunted down by the FBI, locked down in solitary confinement, beaten by prison guards and prosecuted, many without adequate access to effective counsel. Those who break into stores are released without bond, while those who defend themselves and their property are arrested and prosecuted. We recently learned that the plot to kidnap the Governor of Michigan was largely concocted by FBI agents and informants. Could it get any worse?

Federal law enforcement has failed us. Government exists “for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well” (1 Peter 2:14), but in practice, it rewards evildoers and punishes those who do well.

This type of unequal justice is literally tearing America apart. The prophet Isaiah describes what happens when law enforcement acts corruptly: “Justice is turned back, And righteousness stands far away; For truth has stumbled in the street, And uprightness cannot enter.” (Isaiah 59:14.)

We at America’s Future are determined to stand against corrupt federal law enforcement. Until we know the true scope of the problem, we will be unable to correct it. We encourage you to continue reading our “In Focus” series in future newsletters to stay informed, and invite you to work with us to resist this evil that we may restore justice and righteousness to our land.

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