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The Betrayal of America – Fake News

Newsletter | July 14, 2022

Fake News

Our work at America’s Future includes educating our fellow citizens about the principles that underlie our great country’s history so that we Americans can continue to shape its future. An issue that has reached the boiling point is information, or more precisely, the media, and how the dissemination and reception of accurate information is central to the proper functioning of a democracy. Freedom of the press is one of five central and fundamental First Amendment rights of our nation, but defrauding the public and causing chaos and divide fall far outside that scope.

Americans are being fed a steady diet of fake news — phony media about our domestic situation and false reports from the foreign front. Over the next few weeks, we’ll take a look at how the public has increasingly come to distrust the media. We’ll address why that happened, and how the fourth estate has collapsed, and what we can do to rebuild it. As an introduction to this new series, we’ll start with taking a look at the press’ role in a free society.

Over the years, the press and media industry have used different definitions to explain their purpose and role in our society. One journalist said his job was to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. In the 1960s, it was said that the media’s responsibility is to speak truth to power. Of late, journalists say their mission is to educate their readership in critical thinking, yet, when responding to a PEW Research Center survey about the importance of giving equal coverage to both sides of a story, over half of the journalist respondents say that “every side does not always deserve equal coverage in the news.”

In reality, whatever definition is preferred at any time, they are just different ways of describing the same thing — using the press as a soapbox to push a political perspective. A “narrative” is the more common lingo used today. Bottom line, what we are seeing is the packaging and peddling of propaganda.

That’s not what the press is supposed to do in a free society. Rather, its job is a modest but important one — to inform the freeborn citizens of our Constitutional Republic. Without access to accurate information to shape our fate as well as the future of our families and communities and the country as a whole, we will lose America. And that’s why the Founding Fathers gave us the First Amendment, which ensures freedom of the press.

Make no mistake — the Founding Fathers didn’t romanticize the media of their day. George Washington called journalists “infamous scribblers.” Benjamin Franklin, a newspaper publisher himself, said the press was resentful and vicious, an institution comparable to the Spanish Inquisition. Thomas Jefferson, perhaps most critical, wrote of his distain of the media to a friend: “Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper.” Elsewhere he wrote: “I deplore … the putrid state into which our newspapers have passed and the malignity, the vulgarity, and mendacious spirit of those who write for them.”

And yet they all knew that the country they were building needed a functioning free press as much as the public needed to speak their mind, freely and without fear of retribution or retaliation. The more information, the better. Let a thousand voices speak and the truth would eventually win out.

Obviously, the same holds true today. We need the media, but when it simply serves the causes of one political faction against another, it can destroy our faith in America’s greatness. And those that peddle fake news betray America. When you see it, call it out. Be smart. Take time to learn. Get involved. Stay informed.

Although journalists responded to PEW’s survey noted earlier that they did not believe they have an obligation to give equal coverage to all sides of a story, 76% of Americans responded that “journalist should strive to give all sides equal coverage.” In this week’s Reader’s Survey, we pose that question to you, along with two others. Please participate in our survey. We read all the comments, learn from you, and appreciate your time. Thank you!


Americans Demand Election Integrity

In less than four months, millions of Americans will honor our Constitutional Republic by exercising their right to vote, thus fulfilling their utmost patriotic and fundamental duty to country. As explained by U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Hon. Hugo Black in 1964, “No right is more precious in a free country than that of having a voice in the election of those who make the laws under which, as good citizens, we must live. Other rights, even the most basic, are illusory if the right to vote is undermined.”

Mounting concerns regarding election integrity have been brought to the forefront. Questions about the integrity of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election have caused unrest to sweep across the country pitting American against American. So intense is the anger on both sides of debate, friends have been lost forever and family members have stopped talking to each other. Although a 2019 Gallup World Poll found that citizen confidence in the honesty of U.S. elections “had one of the worst ratings across the world’s wealthiest democracies,” since the 2020 election, there has been an escalation of voter skepticism. A May 2022 Rasmussen Report found that more than half of likely U.S. voters “believe cheating likely affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election…”

The Constitution confers upon states the authority to enact laws governing federal and local elections and establish procedures that preserve voter and election integrity. As states establish and carry out new laws respecting elections, Courts around the nation will inevitably be asked to perform a judicial reviews as to whether the laws pass constitutional muster or must be struck down.

When it comes to cases related to election law, our Courts – particularly in jurisdictions where judges are elected by the voters – must stay above the fray and courageously resist political pressure or all is lost. Courts must resolve cases by applying fact to law without ulterior motive and free from political agenda. It is paramount to our nation and freedoms to ensure votes cast by qualified voters are cast effectively and meaningfully counted so that the ultimate election results are absolutely free from the taint of corruption.

Earlier this month, on July 8, the Wisconsin Supreme Court stepped up to the plate in Teigen v. Wisconsin Election Commission to determine whether Wisconsin will permit or prohibit the use of unmanned ballot drop boxes within in its jurisdiction going forward.

Writing for the majority in the 4-3 ruling banning the use of ballot drop boxes as a means to vote, Judge Rebecca Grassl Bradley explained, “drop boxes trigger the very concerns the legislature expressly seeks to avoid. Voting by absentee ballot is a privilege exercised wholly outside the traditional safeguards of the polling place…voting by absentee ballot must be carefully regulated to prevent the potential for fraud or abuse…a drop box contains only ballots, and lots of them in one place at the same time, making it a prime target for would-be tamperers. Voting fraud is a serious problem in U.S. elections . . . and it is facilitated by absentee voting. In this respect absentee voting is to voting in person as a take-home exam is to a proctored one.”

To protect and preserve our Constitutional Republic system of government and our rights as citizens of a free nation, America’s Future urges all Americans to vote in the November election and demand election integrity in their communities, states and across the country.

US Border

America’s national sovereignty is dependent on securing our borders. To safeguard our borders and protect citizens from the perils inherent by invasions into our country, the federal government is granted the power in Articles IV and VI of the U.S. Constitution.

At the same time, states are entitled to exercise their authority – “police powers” – to meet the safety, health and welfare needs of residents and to provide for communities located within its jurisdiction.

The tidal wave of unknown illegal aliens unlawfully flooding into the country at our southern border is clear evidence that the federal government is forsaking its duties to protect every state against external threats and invasions and to preserve law and order. Under these conditions, the states are left with no choice – and duty-bound – to act swiftly to step in when the federal government abandons its responsibility.

Each day, news headlines report on the rise of drug cartels and other criminal activity, along with the ever-growing number of people being transported from border states into the vast interior of America. No matter your political persuasion, the crisis at the border threatens the safety of all Americans across this country.

To address the gravity of this national security issue and chaos being inflicted on the nation, America’s Future Board Chair, General Michael Flynn and our Board Member Lara Logan will speak at an upcoming event, “Border 911,” on August 27, 2022 in Houston, Texas. The day-long event is sponsored by The America Project, a 501c(4) nonprofit. America’s Future encourages the public to get involved and register to attend the event to stay informed. For further information and to register, please click here.


Join America’s Future
Champions For America Community

Champion For America members will join General Michael Flynn on July 25, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. (ET) for his next “Champion Conversation.”

Become a Champion For America and don’t miss out on being a part of the conversation, or receiving our members-only THE CHAMPION newsletter, Champion t-shirts, a copy of General Flynn’s book, “A Message To America,” along with other membership items shipped directly to your home. America needs champion leaders more than ever before. Keep the torch of freedom alive for the next generation. Get Involved. Join America’s Future Champion community.


Reminders & Updates

SAVE THE DATE: The next “Champion Conversation With General Michael Flynn” for our Champions For America members community is scheduled for July 25, 2022 at 1 p.m. (ET). Please mark your calendars and join in the conversation from America’s Future CloutHub Event page.

MUST SEE: America’s Future urges all Americans to get involved and never quit the fight for freedom. Please watch the video and heed our Board Chair, General Michael Flynn’s question: “What am I going to do to help my country, to help my family, to help my community?”

RAISE THE FLAG. SAY THE PLEDGE: Because every day is “flag day” in the USA, America’s Future teamed up with Colonial Flag to offer an assortment of discount-priced flags along with a beautifully-designed Pledge of Allegiance insert and a free pocket-size U.S. Constitution signed by our Board Chair, General Michael Flynn. Click here and choose the perfect flag for your home and business today!

VOTE! Primary elections are happening across the country. Make sure you exercise your right to vote. Encourage your family members and friends to do the same.

AMERICA’S MONDAYS WITH MARY: Tune in every Monday morning at 9 a.m. (ET) to watch our Executive Director Mary O’Neill report out on the comments and insights submitted via our weekly Reader Survey and listen to updates about America’s Future activities and what’s ahead at America’s Mondays With Mary.

STAY CONNECTED: You’ll find America’s Future on your favorite social media platforms. Thank you for remembering to follow us and please share our posts.


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