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Fearless Fighters For American Values

Emily, Kimberly, and General Flynn

Brave patriots who have the courage to stand up against the odds in their communities will make the difference in the future of America.

Emily Peterson (pictured left) and Kimberly Reicks of Ankeny, Iowa, nationally known as the MaMa Bears, are two of the fearless fighters for American values who took action in their community and state to protect their children.

  • Read their Get It Done! Blueprint for the step-by-step strategy to engage with your community and local policy-makers and elected officials.

  • Learn more from The MaMa Bears at Freedom Over Fear.

  • Click here to read the announcement of the MaMa Bears’ recognition by America’s Future Board Chair, General Michael Flynn pictured with them as the first recipients of America’s Future’s Fearless Fighters for American Values award.

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