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End of Title 42 Expulsions Pending

Legal Scales of Justice

There is no denying the invasion of illegal aliens into our nation at the southern border. Along with the hundreds of thousands of individuals – some known to be terrorists – flooding into the homeland, the influx of drugs killing Americans and despicable human trafficking – children included – will haunt this country for years to come.

And now, in only a few days, one of the last remaining shields applied by Border Patrol agents to minimally slow down the flow is set to end. Absent appellate court intervention, on December 21, 2022, at 12:01 a.m., Title 42 expulsion policies will be removed. These are perilous times for our country. Our nation’s sovereignty and the safety of all Americans are at stake.

These policies were first implemented during the early days of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency to mitigate the spread of the virus. They were never meant to be permanent, but the administration has relied on them without adequate preparation for their removal.

Striking is the ineptitude of the present administration that has knowingly allowed the invasion and the criminal cartels to run free which has resulted in total chaos, untold fatalities, unnecessary harm, and unmitigated devastation to American citizens and our sovereignty. In the most recent display of abject failure by the administration to secure the southern border, on December 12, 2022, it filed a second emergency motion seeking to, once again, stay a lower court order that enjoined governmental implementation of Title 42 policies.

In this second emergency motion to the D.C. Court of Appeals, our government admits, “[a]s was the case the first time around, the impending cancellation of the Title 42 [policies] will cause an enormous disaster at the border. Indeed, DHS has predicted as much, with the termination of Title 42 ‘resulting in an increase in daily border crossings,’ which ‘could be as large as a three-fold increase to 18,000 daily border crossings.”  The federal government has asked the DC Court of Appeals to issue a decision by tomorrow, December 16, 2022.

The administration is playing with fire.  Crossing its fingers and hoping the courts will bail them out…again…while they sacrifice our nation’s sovereignty. 

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